
Thursday, February 3, 2011

1486 Words and Too Much Silliness and Kissing?

So, my book is about a kid in high school who's growing up, trying to figure out who she is, and in the process deals with some pretty stressful sci-fi tinged stuff and falling in love.  Lots of serious stuff, but I'm trying to add some lighthearted moments. I put a scene where two of the characters dance the Lindy Hop today and it made me smile.  But now I realize I have one other scene where my MC is giggling with a girlfriend and another where she laughs so hard she almost cries with another friend.  So is there too much silliness?

Oh, I also wrote some more mushy-gushiness today.  It just makes me happy.  The Authoress' recent Valentine's Day First Kiss Extravaganza (thirty first kisses to read about!  Wheeee!) is only egging me on.

Words Written Today: 1486
Total Words Written: 44085
Listening to: The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy - bc my characters are SWING DANCING! :)
Obsessed with: Mr. Darcy.  (I know, who's not?)  More on that later.


  1. Leigh Ann, this is so cool. What a fun way to chronicle your writing process; just think, when you get on the NYT bestseller's list, they'll be begging you to publish this thing right here. Oh, and I'm obsessively in love with Jane Eyre right now, I appreciated your comment XD

  2. Hahaha thanks! When I do Project 365 I really do Project 365 I guess. I didn't know you had a book club, now I cam following you. xoxo
