
Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Third Writers' Platform Building Campaign

Have you ever run across another writer's blog via comments on a blog you already follow, or a link on a message board, and thought, "How is it possible that I haven't 'met' this person already?"

That's the story with two out of my three critique partners. I met Jenny because she commented somewhere that she also writes in third person, and I found out via Peggy Eddleman's blog comments that Francesca is just as in love with Scrivener as I am. (Gina, my first CP, I found all on my own, thankGod thankGod thankGod, right at the beginning of this whole crazy writing thing.)

A couple of other writers that I 'know,' I 'met' through these ladies, or because they randomly ran across my blog and made comments. Slowly I've picked up followers, but it's been S-L-O-W - I have to admit I did the happy dance when I broke double digits. Yeah.

I know there are so so SO many other writers and readers I would love to connect to via this blog. But who has the time to go trolling the internets for such kindred spirits, what with our critique work, blogging, and oh, yeah - our WRITING?

Enter the Writers' Platform-Building Campaign. In its third round this fall, it's run by Rachael Harrie, a YA Horror writer, whose dedication to it is astounding. Here's the description from her site:

Basically, the Campaign is a way to link those of us in the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Campaigners are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others' online platforms while at the same time building theirs.

So, Awesome, right? Why don't you hook up? Prizes: the chance to 'meet' so many other awesome people in the community, plus, PLUS! This shiny badge:



  1. Glad you decided to join the campaign! Happy writing!

  2. Hey there Leigh Ann, welcome to the campaign. Wow, I'm so impressed--you can nap and write at the same time? I need to cultivate this frame of mind. : )

  3. Nice to meet you, fellow Campaigner!

    I like the badge, too. Definitely one of the best buttons I've seen. :)

    Thank you for following my blog!

  4. Hey there Leigh Ann! I just signed up for the Campaign and you're in my group, so I wanted to drop by and say hello. :-)

    Ps: I've been known to ignore housework in favor of novelizing as well. Who would rather unload the dishwasher when you could be writing?

  5. Hi Leigh Ann! I'm in your group too! And I agree with you and Megan. Housework is TOTALLY overrated.

  6. Hi! I'm also in your YA group at the Campaign. And...well, I have to admit that I kinda like housework. *ducks tomatoes*

  7. Glad you decided to join the campaign!

    I so heart Scrivener!

  8. Hi Leigh Ann. I just joined the campaign. It should be fun. I like the title of your blog. I can relate to writing while the kids have a nap. Only thing is my son is starting to grow out of his naps now, so I write in between cleaning spilled milk off the floor :)

  9. Hi Leigh, it's nice to meet you! So glad to be part of this campaign. You have the cutest blog, love it!

  10. Hi Leigh. I'm a fellow campaigner & new follower too. Just stopped by to say hi! :)

  11. Hi! I'm part of your YA group. Nice to meet you!

  12. The Campaign is one of thee smartest ideas in the world! I absolutely love it. :)

    I'm in your YA (all genres) group. I'm a little late joining, but better late than never! It's awesome to meet you!

  13. Hello I just joined your YA group! Looking forward to getting to know you.

  14. Greetings from a fellow campaigner! I saw your tweets at #writecampaign and look forward to learning more about you and your writing.

  15. Hi, new follower and a member of the same group for the Writer's Platform Building Campaign. I'm looking forward to visiting more often.

  16. Hi Leigh. I'm in your Platform Building group! I look forward to visiting your blog.

  17. Where's your Follow link, Leigh? I can't seem to find it!

  18. @Gail - If I could nap and write at the same time...I'd be downright chipper!

    @Meagan - unloading the dishwasher is the WORST! Ugh.

    @Kadie - no one ever died from unfolded laundry. :)

    @collingszone - You have my sympathies. I have three under five and somehow they all still nap.

    @Heather - *blush* thanks - your blog is pretty durn cute too.

    @Ron - Thanks for asking! It's in the right sidebar, right near the top. :)

    *waves a big fat hello to everyone* Seems like it's gonna be a fun couple months!

  19. Hi there. I'm in your Science Fiction group and wanted to drop by and introduce myself. Looking forward to the campaign!

  20. Thanks, Leigh. It didn't show up in Firefox so I launched Safari and it did. Strange.

    Oh well. Hi!

  21. Hi Leigh Ann,
    I'm in your YA Platform Building group. Just stopped by to say "hi" and follow your blog :-)

  22. Hi, Leigh Ann - Count me in as another one in your platform group. Just wanted to say hi! Looking forward to getting to know you. :)

  23. Hey, another Campaigner here too! and also another member of your Sci Fi group!
