
Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Obsessions: Rita's, Pedicures, and Snow White and the Huntsman

Oh, readers. Thank you so much for all your beautiful comments on my post from Monday. It's been a rough week and I haven't replied to them all yet, but...thank you. I just want to hug all of you.

Figuratively, I mean. I actually don't want anyone touching me unless it's a masseuse or my (soon-to-be) newborn baby.

See, I'm one of those ladies who has "false" labor for weeks and weeks before the kid actually arrives. But there's not much false about it. So. For the next four weeks, until I can evict the child with IV medication, I'm going to be dealing with some pretty serious pain and generally being in the biggest MOOD ever.

This is the kind of thing that makes you nostalgic for the 1950s, where they just loaded a lady up with sleeping pills and narcotics and a month later, she had a baby.

I am (mostly) not kidding.

But still. It's only four weeks, and Mood or no Mood, life doesn't stop, right? Which makes it particularly lame that I haven't written anything since the Word War on Monday night. L-A-M-E. And to think I wanted to hit 35K this week. Hell, I didn't even BLOG on Wednesday. And I didn't because of...what? Back pain? Swollenness? Exhaustion? Puh-lease. Katniss would probably roll her eyes and spit at  me, and then shoot me straight in the heart with an arrow because I was taking up all the good air.

(As you may be able to tell, I could use a good drill sergeant right now. Seriously, kick my butt. Leave your application in the comments, pleaseandthankyou.)

Ah well. Without further ado...

Everything I was obsessed with this week. 
Because I know you want to know.

1. Pedicures.
It could be because the only shoes that fit on my feet are flip-flops, it could be the inevitable hospital stay in my near future, but either one of those situations makes me terrified of gross feet. I'm doing a self-pedi a week. Unfortunately, I think the Hunger Games colors are not the most gorgeous for Spring-and-summer toes, so I'm using bright pinks and oranges and feeling generally delighted about the state of my toes' grooming, no matter how much they resemble tiny, tiny sausages.

2. Rita's Italian Ice
The first day of Spring was Tuesday, and as always, my beloved Rita's gave away free Italian ices.
This year in the 614, instead of being 50 degrees and rainy, and consequently deserted, like it would be on any other year, it was 85 degrees and PACKED with people wanting some free ice. I know it was tough on the guys working the counter, but heck if I'm not more in love with Rita's than ever after getting it for free on that hot, hot day.

3. Snow White and the Huntsman extended trailer.
Okay, seriously? I'm psyched for two movies this summer. Spiderman, and this. I watched this whole extended trailer with my mouth hanging open. Charlize Theron is TERRIFYING. Heck, Kristen Steward is terrifying.

 And Chris Hemsworth is...well...he's Chris Hemsworth. Thank the Lord in heaven.

That's it for me this week! I'm posting this from the office, so no Scriv, so no WiP snippet, but I'm hopping to slap one up here later, because yes, I did write a few K.

Now it's your turn! What were YOU obsessed with this week?


  1. I LOVE Rita's and I didn't know they had them other places than New Jersey! I had ice cream yesterday (it was 85 degrees) and it was sooo good (peanut butter oreo on a cone, yum). I am also excited for Snow White even if I have qualms about K.Stew (though I liked her in Speak and Into the Wild so hmmm). I am also really excited for Spiderman. I <3 Andrew Garfield!

    3 Things I am Obsessed with this week
    - The fact that I started a blog. Its been a debate for me for a long time but I love love love it. I don't have any followers yet (What is wrong with people!), but I love blogging. I always think I am funnier than I actually probably am. (don't we all?)
    - The fact that I am seeing The Hunger Games tonight in theatres! Shabbat Shalom, Leigh Ann - I'll be thinking of you and particularly my parasha from my bat mitzvah (Miriam is excluded from the community because of leprosy - its April...can't remember the book ugh!) - it reminds me a lot of District 13 and how they were outcasted for trying to rebel.
    - ICED COFFEE!! Now I love it in ANY season - winter, fall, spring, summer bring it onnnn - but I especially love it when its super hot out.

    (I also love pedicures. I never get one.)
    (I also like curling up with a good book, like I did yesterday - Queen of Kentucky, a YA contemp that is true to life about a 14 year old girl and her start to high school - totally relatable even though I'm not from that area at all)

    Shabbat Shalom and good luck in the next four weeks- you can do it!!!

  2. Oh my whoa. That extended trailer is AMAZING! I'm so excited to see that movie!

    This week, honestly, I've been completely obsessed with The Hunger Games (obviously?)! Seriously obsessed. I reread the book, made the Peeta's Bread recipe you posted (delish, by the way!), and have been listening to the soundtrack nonstop. I don't think there will be a cure to this until I see the movie, which will hopefully be this weekend :)

  3. Curry :D I'm working in India for a month and have discovered a previously under appreciated love for spicy food! Oh and the way chicken is cooked over here is amazing! And the yoghurt mmmmmmm...

    ...I don't know how I'll cope without all of it when I return to the UK.

  4. Obsessions this week.
    More loud blow me away music while walking. Enough of the soppy ballads already.
    Less mind wandering away from instead of being in This Moment Fully
    More words written on paper and less on the canvas of my mind
    More dreaming big without out the urge to sweep out every corner first.

  5. haha, Sending you {{figurative hugs}}

    My obsessions? Tracking NFL insanity, attacking half-rotten leftover vegetation with a garden rake (I seriously, and I mean SERIOUSLY, love doing that. I have no idea why), and making the decision to wear heels at least once a week now that it's warm.

    I think Spring Fever has affected my brain at this point...Prolly because it's been upper70s-low80s for the last week+ and this Southern Girl is one happy chickie ;o)

  6. HOLY shizz, that trailer looks awesome! Kristen Stewart looks a lot more able in this movie (did you see her slide through that opening in the wall so she could escape? that looked sweet) than she does in others.

    Love Rita's! Do they call it Italian Ice in Ohio? We call it Water Ice here in Philly, though it's all the same and delicious :)

  7. Rita's looks amazing! Yum! And I just dislike Kristen Stewart so much that I haven't been able to work up any excitement for that movie, but we'll see.

    Sending "hurry up, baby" vibes toward the soon-to-be little one! xo

  8. So excited for Snow White and the Huntsman (mainly the huntsman bit) :) I don't know why the people who made Mirror Mirror thought these two movies were going to compete with each other. They're nothing alike - and Charlize Theron is a WAY better evil queen. I'm glad that Kristen Stewart gets to be a badass for a change too.
    Obsessions this week - um, querying. And rejections. Ugh. Remind me why I was so excited to start querying again? Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. yikes... those last few weeks of incubation can be treacherous. I hop they fly by quickly, or at the very least, that you feel better... I have been OBSESSED with The Hunger Games. I'm going to see it tonight and I can barely stand myself, LOL

  10. A month of false labour - yikes! (((hugs))) Hope it passes quickly. As for my obsessions this week - sleep and The Hunger Games!

  11. False labor, yikes! I think you can give yourself a break for not writing. Just try to stay comfortable for the next month.

  12. Wow! That trailer was INCREDIBLE!

    You killed me with the Katniss comment. Yeah, Leigh Ann! You gonna let a little thing like labor stop you?! Hahaha! Seriously, girl. You don't need a drill sergeant. You need someone to tell you to feel free to take it easy.
