
Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Obsessions: CPs' stuff, Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, and Parisian Macaroons

Hey, sweet readers. It's been an interesting week. I'm mostly laying low, because the new little one is due tomorrow (tomorrow!) and giving me a run for my money physically. Eh.

As for the query trenches, I think this is the first and only week that I'll be able to classify as straight-up WEIRD. Not BAD-weird, just WEIRD-weird. So it goes, I guess. Also a shoutout to a couple of my CPs, in the trench next door, who might be seeing the beginnings of some springtime flowers down there. I'll be fangirling at your signings before you know it. Proud of you girls. *tear*

Before the obsessions - Please enter my giveaway for Hannah Moskowitz's Gone, Gone, Gone, because the book kicks butt and she is classy and it would make me smile.

Okay. Let's get on with it.

Everything I was obsessed with this week. 
Because I know you want to know.

1. Reading for CPs.
I'm having kind of a tough time with the WiP because one of the MCs is stubborn, silent, pain in the ass I'm still having trouble hearing voice (which Amanda suggests is because I don't really have a handle on their motivations, and I think she's right.) Rather than frustrate myself any more, for the last week or so I've given myself permission to stop obsessing over the WiP and start reading more for my CPs, which I've been woefully delinquent in. I've got two books to read this weekend, and one to finish up, and I can't wait. Planning to live-Tweet them, and I'm psyched.

2. The Ridiculously Photogenic Guy
So, there was this guy running a race, and someone took a picture of him, and he is RIDICULOUSLY PHOTOGENIC. So of course he turned into a meme. Here's one you HP fans will giggle at:

Here's the thing about Ridiculously Photogenic Guy. I'm kind of thinking that he's a character type. He can either be gracious about it or cocky about it, but either way, he's beautiful, he knows it, and EVERYONE knows it. And no one argues. And somehow, no one's jealous. *sigh*

(My number two literary crush of all time, Prince Rory, is this character type. The kind who knows it, and it's ADORABLE.)

Illustration by the incredible Chessie Zappia
With profuse thanks from me for CREATING RORY. <3
I think I'd better put one of these guys in Chrome, or maybe Two. Hmmmm.

3. Parisian Macaroons
So, after this little one is born, I'm pretty much swearing off sugar and anything but Super Wholesome Foods in an effort to get back into fighting shape (I used to be seriously hot, you guys. Seriously.)

I figure if she's going to refuse to cut me a little slack and come a bit early, I'm gonna go ahead and eat these gorgeous macaroons from a little bakery that is mercifully close by my office. (Seeing as how they're made of nut flour, egg whites, sugar, and air, they're Kosher for Passover by ingredient, making me one happy lady.)

Dessert by Pistacia Vera

That's about it for me this week! Now it's your turn.
What were you obsessed with this week? 
I'd love to know.


  1. Honestly, I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of not thinking about writing for a little while. My stomach ties up in knots every time I think about getting that first R on a sub - I'm afraid it will be like the domino effect and then they'll all crash down on me at once and I'll be in a strait jacket and drooling.

    Also? Obsessed with my newest honorary niece. I am dying to see her!

    And it's someone's 30TH BIRTHDAY TOMORROW, wonder who that could be??????

    1. Well, see? Then you're already doing better than I am. Because I'm already in a strait jacket and drooling.

      Okay, I'm going to text you a picture of her first. Get ready. Girl loves her Auntie.


      30th birthday. Bah. It sounds like PROFANITY.

  2. DUDE. It's your birthday AND you're due tomorrow??? Congrats and confetti all around!!!

  3. hahahaha, Mommy & baby could share an awesome birthday?! LOVE IT! :oD Here's to the happiest of BIRTH-days to you both ;o) {{hugz}}

    Enjoy those macaroons -- I've never had one, but they always look soooo good. The macaroons I make/eat are the coconut-globby ones (and that sounds so gross, LOL!) I think I'll go munch on the chocolate-covered-matzah I stashed in my bag on the way out the door ...

    1. You know, I would LOVE that because I HATE my birthday. Cake, and people singing to you, and opening presents in front of people, and....*shudder* I'd be delighted to give it to someone else. :)

      Just munch quietly, or someone'll jack it right out of your bag. That stuff's insanely addictive.

  4. I'm in yo pantry, eatin' yo macaroons. Seriously macaroons are my least favorite Passover dessert (probably because we always have the coconut/no chocolate ones), but I LOVE my grandmother's chocolate roll Kosh-for-P cake. I request it on the off season too. Unfortunately she now has depression/beginning of dementia so its up to me to learn how to make it so I can continue the wonderfulness :)

    YOM HOLEDET SAMAECH, Leigh Ann!!!!! <3 <3

    Things I'm obsessed with this week:
    - Being stressed. Uh. Yeah. Last month of college. Yeaaaaaaaah.
    - My parents approved that I could live in Boston next year with a friend :-D
    - A writer-friend told me my book was incredible and that it was no wonder an agent was interested in it and that she read it in 1 day which for her is hard to do with 2 toddlers and a job... *swoons*
    - Egg matzah. 'Nough said. :-P

    1. Oooh, get in the kitchen and learn how to make that! (I did something similar with my grandma a few years back.)

      Great news about your book! Sounds like querying will be a breeze. :)

  5. >whispers< *happy birthday* I promise I won't tell...

    This week I've been obsessed with finding out the gender of the fetus. Thankfully HE was cooperative and we found out without any problems...

    AAAAND Easter candy... I'm not Jewish, but all your Kosher stuff sounds good, 'specially those macaroons... currently I'm munching on sour jelly beans and sweet tart bites... some of my favorites.

    Also... nope, that's it. Happy weekend! *sending labor vibes your way*

    1. :D Thanks, lady.

      Two boys is tons of fun! You'll see. My two are besties.

      I've been obsessing over straight-up classic jelly beans. So I know what you mean.
      Thanks for the labor vibes, love. <3

  6. OOh macaroons are helping me to survive this week! I can't wait to meet new baby Kopans! You are super amazing! Let me know if you ever need anything :D

  7. Ahhh baby and birthday!! Crazy exciting weekend! Happy happy birthday!

    Taking a little break might be a good thing :) Have fun reading for your CP's!

    Also? "I used to be seriously hot, you guys. Seriously." Bahahah! YOU are a character type :D

    1. Hahahaha Amanda I <3 you.

      Yesssss. I'm pretty vain. Or I was. Or...whatever.

  8. Good luck with the new little one! Let's hope he/she's punctual!

    1. We keep trying to convince her it's better out here...I don't think she's buying it. :/

  9. Baby is due tomorrow? Good luck! Will be thinking of you and I hope everything goes well. And judging from the previous comments, I'd better *not* say the H-word and the B-word… ;o)

    1. Yes, but I'll be shocked if she comes then. She's told me a couple of times she's "too legit to quit." So....yeah.


    ^_^ L, you are welcome for Rory. He can't wait to see you again in Rewrite X. Also, that Ridiculously Photogenic Guy picture made me lol. XD

    I don't know what macaroons taste like but I AM LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH YOU.

    1. Bhahahaa you know what's funny? G thought I was actually mad at her. :/ Apparently I'm not great at conveying sarcasm on my blog.

      Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Rooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy. I had to stop a minute to swoon. Can't wait to see him again either.

  11. Ha- I saw Ridiculously Photogenic Guy earlier in the week, and stared in amazement for a while. So impressive! Gosh. If I ever run a race, I REALLY HOPE no one takes a picture of me. I'm fairly certain no one would ever call me Ridiculously Photogenic Girl.

    And best of luck with the impending labor! I hope it all goes so well!

    1. I KNOW! I really want to put him in a book. Like, seriously. Maybe my brain is addled.

      Thanks. <3 You'll see some of her first pictures along with the rest of Twitter be''H. :)

  12. what was I obsessed with two weeks ago...? reading, I think. romance. puppy-love.

    have not seen Ridiculously Photogenic Guy until now. he IS good looking...a little old though. he looks like he could be my boyfriend :D
