
Monday, May 14, 2012

How to Be a Megan - Guest post by Alexa Hirsch

Sweet readers! Today we have yet ANOTHER blog post from the Amazing Alexa (who told us about her literary crushes a few weeks ago, remember?)

Before the post, a bit of background: I read a blog from the amazing Jani Gray on how to find writing support in the obvious places. She has a friend named Megan who is always one of her first readers because she is positive, supportive, and unfailingly loves everything she writes.

This post lead me to adopt the following philosophy: Every Writer Needs a Megan.

(Now, before you get all snippy and accuse me of not wanting to hear or being able to take critique, I'll advise you to read my "crit diaries" posts and think twice about posting that comment, or I'll do a whole terribly boring post highlighting my amazingly scathing army of CPs. Ahem.)

Well, sweet readers, I'm super-duper lucky, because I have a Megan. It's Alexa! She also happens to be a Real Live Teenager and rabid reader of YA, so her opinions matter to me on a number of levels.

She's put together a post on How to Be a Megan. So, without further ado, here's she is:

One day Leigh Ann and I were hanging out in her office, talking about my favorite thing, her books! She told me she read a blog post about another person trying to get published who had a friend named “Megan” who always told her how amazing all of her books were and was just a super awesome peppy cheerleader!

Now don’t misunderstand me, this position is in NO way fake. I honestly ADORE Leigh Ann’s, Chessie’s, and Gina’s books! But if I didn’t, I would have to tell them, but luckily for me, they are all PERFECT. So readers, here’s how to become me in three short steps, minus all the craziness.

1.     Think Positively. If you look at everything with a silver lining it makes everything way more enjoyable.

2.     Fall in love. This is simple when you have such great pieces of work. The number one thing is just engrossing yourself in the novel. Even if it’s only a few minutes a day, don’t get distracted! Allow the beauty of the words to take you in, and don’t ever come out! Even if you have trouble picturing yourself as the main character, picture yourself as a fly on the wall. Having a vivid imagination about other people’s work lets you truly feel the book in your own special way. No two people interpret something the same, so maybe you think Merrin can fly on her own, or that Ryan isn’t such a douche, it’s all up to interpretation!

3.     Don’t worry about being fake and pleasing people. If you really love a book, praising it will be second nature to you! Just state your opinion, and maybe the author won’t have even realized how much their own words affect you! There is nothing more special than realizing that an idea you had is changing someone else’s life.

Now if this sounds like a lot of work to you, then maybe you aren’t supposed to be a Megan, maybe you’re better at Critiquing, or better at Grammar, and that’s AWESOME. Because honestly the more Megan’s there are, the quicker I’m out of a job.

Well here it is folks, my shameless plug! If you have written anything at all and you are looking for a little encouragement, hire a Megan! I come free of charge, all I ask is an ELECTRONIC copy of your awesome novel! Hopefully Gina, Chessie, and Leigh Ann would give me a good recommendation! Thanks for reading, you guys are awesome!

Isn't she fab??? If you're looking for your very own Megan, Alexa's a great one! Leave your comment below and she'll get in touch with you when she's got a free minute to read.


  1. It is so true! Everyone needs a Megan! Great post. Thanks for the smile ;)

  2. Aw, Alexa sounds absolutely adorable - I want her (and I love the idea that everyone should have a Megan)!!! :)



  3. Awww! What a fantastic post! Thanks,, I mean Alexa! :)

    I sure wouldn't mind another set of eyes on Time Bound after this final (hopefully) revision! It's a YA historical fantasy set in Japan. Leigh Ann can let you know if you'd like it :)

    1. Definitely! I've heard great things about it already! Whenever you finish feel free to send it on :D

  4. Awwww Thanks! If you have anything you want me to read, feel free to send it to me!

    1. Right back atcha :) LOL, I think this was meant for me. Am writing my first draft at the moment but will be desperate for awesome readers very soon, thanks hun :) And I'll third the notion (from Twitter) that you'll <3 PALADIN - Marieke is an awesome writer (though I'm biased of course *grins*).



    2. Haha yes this was meant for you, I suck at using blog commenting, and sounds great let me know whenever you're ready! Can't wait

  5. I've been pretty lucky to have two or three betas read my WiP and fall head-over-heels for it. I love when they do too, because it tells me I'm doing SOMETHING right! I'm making revisions right now, but I'd love a fresh set of eyes on this when I'm done... whadda ya think, Alexa? Find me on Twitter :-) @darci_cole <3

    1. Done and Done! Let me know when you're done with revisions and I'd love to read it!

  6. Well I won't argue with any of that. Megan's are awesome! :-)

    I'd love a "Megan" to look at my YA werewolf novel. I'm between revisions but I'll be looking for some feedback later this month. So, when in the mood for summer romance, and really psychotic bad guys just shoot me an email.

    1. Sounds good I will email you this summer! Good luck with your revisions!

  7. Another Meghan to hit you up. Ironically, my MC is Alexa! It's a perfect fit. Email me and I'll send you the MS. But I'd also love to reciprocate, so please let me read something of yours. Now that I know how to be the perfect Megan, er, Meghan. :)

  8. I love this! Thank you so much for sharing my Megan Mission. Yours sound wonderful.

  9. Hahaha, hopefully Ryan *isn't* such a douche now, but he loves you for thinking he wasn't, Alexa! And yes, everyone needs a little sun shining on their work every now and then. We're lucky to have you :)

    1. Haha thanks so much! I've loved reading all of your work :D

  10. I feel like I need weekly Alexa meditation sessions where I run over these tips before I try to read anything. Maybe then I'd like more books. >.<

    And I agree with the above--everyone needs a little happy critique on their work. I'd say getting a motivational boost is almost as important as getting writerly feedback.

    1. Hahaha I just like being happy :D And you're books always make me super happy!

  11. I LOVE being a Megan. It's so fun getting to read other people's MSs just as a reader, and not as a writer. Luckily for me all of the manuscripts that I've read were SOOOO amazing, that I still fangirl about them today. Haha.

    Someone should start a Megan Agency blog where people can find their own personal Megan's.

    My wip is still in the early stages so I don't know when I'll need a Megan, but I'd be happy to be one, if anyone is interested.

  12. I love my "Megan" he's one of my best friends. It's reciprocal because he composes music and I get to go "OMG COOL!!!" to him too. :)
