
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Writing Rewards

Well, sweet readers, this is shaping up to be a pretty intense week between some revisions I've been doing on One (I know, I know, I thought it was almost dead too) and The Writer's Voice Contest Agent Round starting tomorrow (GO TEAM CUPID WOOOOO,) so I thought we'd have a bit of a light post today.

So, here's the thing. Writing is my passion, it's exhilarating, it's delightful, yes, yes, all that. OBVIOUSLY.

One of the reasons I love writing, though, is that it's so darn CHALLENGING.

Which means I look like this about half the time I'm working on something (which is, you know, half of All The Time.)

So. Hard work deserves rewards, right?

I don't know many writers who don't reward themselves with chocolate, a stiff drink, a favorite TV show, or similar after a few thousand words drafted or revised...

And when One was ready for queries, I treated myself to this beauty of a poster, which now hangs on the wall of my writing cave:

The Wasp is almost dead center on the poster. Definitely a Sign.

If any other really really good things were to happen with this sweet manuscript about misfit half-superpowered kids *ahem,*
I'd buy myself this sweatshirt. Because, to those of you who have read it, obviously:

I'd give one away on the blog, too. I'M JUST SAYING.

So, writerly types - what are your rewards to yourself for work well done? Anything you'll buy yourself when you hit that next big milestone?


  1. I am buying one of those's happening...

  2. Seriously. Those are amazing! I want!!!

  3. I love writing rewards! Mine tend to be small, day-to-day rewards, like cookie dough or TV or reading time once I hit X words. Once I get close to finishing the draft, I think I'll bribe myself with a massage or something like that :)

    Also, yay for The Writer's Voice! Keep us updated!

    1. You'll NEED a massage to help the tired shoulders! I fully support this.

  4. Cupcakes ;) Upon the completion of stages (drafting/editing), I treat myself to a cupcake from a bakery in town.

    I have something awesome planned for signing to an agent and getting a book deal... but those will have to wait for now ^_^

    1. Whoa. Now, cupcakes is a GREAT idea. Especially since I'm hardcore dieting....hmmmm.....

  5. I used to reward myself with TV back when I had loads of homework (because I love my shows too much). I should really do that with writing. Then I'd have to write every day.

    I wasn't thinking "One" is on it's last legs. From my angle it seemed like it was just getting started (since the first few months of querying can be more like a warm up sometimes). Although, I haven't been following that long. Maybe now's "One"s time?

    1. Oh, you're so sweet for not thinking that! Fingers crossed. :D

  6. WOW. THAT IS THE COOLEST POSTER EVER. I want one. Where did you get it?

    Reward wise... mine's totally nerdy. Basically, I paint miniature soldiers. It's pretty much awesome.

    1. Isn't it GREAT??? Here it is:

      My dad used to do that soldiers thing. He actually sold them for a nice turnaround. :D

  7. I still love that poster. Also, that sweatshirt.

    As for rewards... I've always wanted another tattoo, so when I sell my first book I will totally get one :D

    1. A sword? A quote? A book? I don't know yet. Something meaningful for the book, anyway, that'd be nice :D

  8. This contest has easily aged me 10 years. HAHAHAA.

    I don't know what I'd do for myself if I ever got an offer of rep. Probably just die.

    That or eat, like, ALL THE CHEESECAKE.

    1. I think I would die temporarily, but then quickly revive to eat ALL THE CHEESECAKE. Except now it's getting hot out, so I'd make sure it's frozen first. :D

  9. Ok I'm kind of panicking here, because I can't remember doing anything nice for myself when I finished either book. Dom took me out to dinner when I got my offer and I was the one who suggested it, so that counts, right?

    And the sweatshirt? Yes, please.

    1. Well, then, you owe yourself back-prizes, lady.

      Can't we get a baseball jersey for David or something???

  10. You made it onto the Writer's Voice? WAHOO~!!!!!!!!!!! Here's to kicking some butt on Cupid's team, Leigh Ann.

    As for rewards, I throw myself dance parties. Yup I'm a geek :-P

    1. Yaaaaay! Come cheer tomorrow.

      That's a GREAT reward. Cheap and counts as exercise....right?

  11. After all TWV changes and the other revisions (I've done a lot this week to the whole ms) I've been doing, I'd like to reward myself with a stiff drink. But I don't like stiff drinks. So maybe a Diet Lipton Mixed Berry. Except that I drink those all the time while I'm writing.

    I'll have to think on it. :)

    1. Hmmm...maybe we'll just have to find you a stiff drink you like. There's gotta be ONE out there....

  12. I'm going to buy myself a Kindle Fire when I finish my first draft. That probably sounds too big for just the end of a first draft, but it has literally been YEARS since I have finished a first draft of anything. I really, really need to.

    1. Yaaaaaaay! That's great motivation. The reward depends on a lot of factors, I reckon. (When I finished my first first draft, I bought myself this URL. Fancy. :))

  13. I've been obsessed with all-natural skincare products lately (I'm trying to fade post-acne dark spots and a persistant tan since last summer) -- so I've promised myself coveted skincare products for jobs well done. The only problem is that I get so impatient I usually end up giving myself "early" rewards. Which totally defeats the purpose. :P

    1. Ahhhh, yes. Early rewards. *smiles fondly* That is a VERY refined writers' reward LOL.
