Because I know you want to know.
1. A MILLION SUNS. Last week, a book-shaped package was waiting for me outside my door. I thought it was another sweet care package from CP extraordinaire, Gina, but when I looked closer, the return address said, "Penguin." Uh, excuse me?
I thought maybe they were offering me a three-book deal and the contract was unusually small and fat.
(I know. I crack myself up.)
I opened it up and beheld this:

And promptly had a heart attack.
Then reality hit me and I remembered that I had applied to receive an ARC of A MILLION SUNS through Penguin's website, never ever ever expecting to get a copy.
Then I freaked out and emailed my CPs, screaming "WHAT DO I EVEN DO WITH THIS?!!?!"
And they were both like, " it?"
So I did that. And it ruled. And I'll post all about it once the High Holidays are over, and then I'm going to throw a giveaway of the first book in the series, ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, because 1. I just love Beth Revis and Penguin that much and 2. As much as I love you all (and I do!) I don't love you enough to send you the ARC.
2. "An Agent's Inbox" over at Krista's blog, "Mother. Write. Repeat."
Krista's one of the queens of secret agent contests in the writing blogosphere, and she's got one going on right now. (She's also an amazingly talented writer, who I expect to snag an agent any day now.)
You send her your query and first page, and the secret agent responds just like she would if it were actually in her inbox. (AMAZING.)
Submissions are closed for this round, but I got in by the skin of my teeth - entry #50. Entries are open for critiques from anyone through Tuesday, so run over and visit all the uber-talented writers who have their stuff posted over there! Other entries near and dear to my heart are #41, #47, and #33, so go give them some love too.
3. Apples and Honey.
So, it's the Jewish New Year, and like every Jewish holiday, it's all about the food. We make lots of excuses about eating sweets for three days straight because we're hoping for a "sweet new year" but really? Apples dipped in honey just totally rules in every way possible.
Never had the combo? Go try it. Now. You can thank me later.
4. The WiP - It's been abysmal for writing this week - busiest season at work, so I maybe got in a few hundred words max - but for the first time, the end is in sight. I'm calling it a couple weeks till this
I run downstairs and Mom raises an eyebrow at me. “You look nice, sweetie.”
I’m not feeling that generous, so I kind of raise an eyebrow at her and make a lot of noise unwrapping my Twinkies so I don’t have to talk to her. I stand there, fidgeting while eating, impatient with the slowness of my own chewing.
“I made some eggs, honey,” Daddy calls from the kitchen.
I swallow hard and call, “Thanks, gotta go though.” I would rather die than eat the jiggly yellow-and white grossness that is scrambled eggs, and Dad knows that. But he doesn’t want to feed me. He wants to hear about me studying with my friends, like a normal kid.
As much as Dad loves me, even he wants me to be normal. Pick a side, already.
I slug back a glass of chocolate milk, rinse it and throw it in the dish sterilizer, and stride out, before I even get to hassle Max and Michael for the morning.
There’s a damp chill to the air made up of the first days of autumn and the dew from the grass. I slump into my car, and fumble through my bag for my keys. My fingers fidget, like I’ve had too much coffee, even though I haven’t had a drop since yesterday morning. I crank up the heat and briefly consider digging out Elias’s sweatshirt, then decide that wearing it would make me look like a tool, or at least like one of the girls crushing on him. No chance.
Then I look at the clock - 6:45. Half an hour before I have to leave for school.
What is wrong with me?
Your turn! What were you obsessed with this week?